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'''I have processed my data set to high resolution, but I'm sure the raw data is heterogeneous. Is there any way for me to resolve this heterogeneity to get a better resolution structure out, or to produce multiple models from my single data set ? '''

Two approaches have evolved in EMAN for dealing with heterogeneous data sets.

 * The 'mutlirefine' program has syntax almost identical to the 'refine' command, but it simultaneously refines several 3-D reconstructions from a single input data set. Generally the best results are achieved when the particles going into each model produced by multirefine are further refined independently. That is generally accomplished like this:
  * Run multirefine ... for several iterations. Don't interrupt it, but allow it to complete the last specified iteration.
  * then, from the root mulirefine directory (shell script for zsh, but you get the drift:
mkdir r0 r1
cd 0
foreach i (cls*lst)
proc2d $i ../r0/start.hed first=1
cp threed.4a.mrc ../r0/threed.0a.mrc (use the last iteration)
cd ../1
foreach i (cls*lst)
proc2d $i ../r1/start.hed first=1
cd ../r0
refine ...
cd ../r1
refine ...}}}

 * Run refine2d.py (use EMAN 1.8 or newer) on start.hed without the finalsep option. When it completes, use (zsh script)

foreach i (cls*lst)
proc2d $i avgs.hed average
Then either manually, or using multirefine (on avgs.hed), separate the data you want from avgs.hed. For each image in avgs.hed that you want to keep, you could run:

proc2d cls0023.lst mygooddata.hed
The problem with this is that, while you would get the particles you want, they are already aligned in 2-D to the class-average. If you used these particles for futher processing, they would end up getting rotated a second time, which may adversely effect your final resolution, so instead, run:

~/EMAN/python/lstsub.py cls0023.lst mygooddata.hed ptcl2orig.lst
This will copy the original unrotated particles corresponding to each class.

Once you have the particles you want in mygooddata.hed, you can run refine or other postprocessing on it.
I have a heterogeneous data set and want to know where I can find information on the phase residuals of the data set in EMAN to see if it can reveal the extent of the heterogeneity of my data.

I have a heterogeneous data set and want to know where I can find information on the phase residuals of the data set in EMAN to see if it can reveal the extent of the heterogeneity of my data.

EMAN1/FAQ/Heterogeneous (last edited 2008-11-26 04:42:30 by localhost)