Differences between revisions 7 and 10 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2006-11-09 21:14:42
Size: 1180
Editor: MikyungHan
Revision 10 as of 2007-01-19 19:10:32
Size: 1025
Editor: SteveLudtke
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''''Under Construction'''''
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 . proc2d
== This program performs various processing operations on images and sets of images (WARNING: auto normalization removed) ==
== Usage: ==
proc2d 3244.img start.hed invert apix=5 lp=18
'''GUI Programs'''
||[wiki:/Eman eman]||Image browser and tutorial interface||
||[wiki:/Boxer boxer]||Manual particle picking||
||[wiki:/CTFit ctfit]||CTF parameter determination and simulation||
||[wiki:/V4 v4]||Viewing 3-D models in projection||
||[wiki:/QSegment qsegment]||Interactive slice-by-slice 3D model segmentation||
||[wiki:/QIndex qindex]||2D crystal preprocessing and evaluation||
||[wiki:/HelixBoxer helixboxer]||Program for picking and evaluating non-square 'boxes'||
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proc2d start.hed start.hed invert inplace '''Refinement Programs'''
||[wiki:/Refine2D refine2d.py]||Make high-quality 2-D class-averages from stacks of raw particle images||
||[wiki:/Refine refine]||3-D model refinement||
||[wiki:/MultiRefine multirefine]||Simultaneous multiple model 3-D refinement||
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== Description ==
IMPORTANT NOTE: proc2d no longer automatically normalizes output images. Use the 'norm' or 'edgenorm' flag to re-enable this.

This program is used to perform a variety of generic 2D image processing tasks. Like all of the EMAN programs, it will read any supported file format. By default it outputs to an Imagic file although there are options to change this. Note that, by default, images are appended to the end of the output file if it already exists. All images in one file MUST have the same size. ie - if you try to copy 50x50 images to the end of a file that already contains 100x100 images, an error will result. Note the 'first=' and 'last=' options allow a subset of the input file to be processed. The 'inplace' keyword may be used to cause output images to overwrite the input images rather than being appended to the end of the file.
'''Utility Programs'''
||[wiki:/Proc2D proc2d]||Generic 2-D image processing||
||[wiki:/Proc3D proc3d]||Generic 3-D image processing||
||[wiki:/SpeedTest speedtest]||Simple application-specific computer benchmarking program||

EMAN1 Individual Programs

GUI Programs

[wiki:/Eman eman]

Image browser and tutorial interface

[wiki:/Boxer boxer]

Manual particle picking

[wiki:/CTFit ctfit]

CTF parameter determination and simulation

[wiki:/V4 v4]

Viewing 3-D models in projection

[wiki:/QSegment qsegment]

Interactive slice-by-slice 3D model segmentation

[wiki:/QIndex qindex]

2D crystal preprocessing and evaluation

[wiki:/HelixBoxer helixboxer]

Program for picking and evaluating non-square 'boxes'

Refinement Programs

[wiki:/Refine2D refine2d.py]

Make high-quality 2-D class-averages from stacks of raw particle images

[wiki:/Refine refine]

3-D model refinement

[wiki:/MultiRefine multirefine]

Simultaneous multiple model 3-D refinement

Utility Programs

[wiki:/Proc2D proc2d]

Generic 2-D image processing

[wiki:/Proc3D proc3d]

Generic 3-D image processing

[wiki:/SpeedTest speedtest]

Simple application-specific computer benchmarking program

EMAN1/Programs (last edited 2008-11-26 04:42:29 by localhost)