Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2008-05-06 15:25:35
Size: 1275
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 6 as of 2008-05-09 15:57:05
Size: 1275
Editor: root
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you can resort to a source-based installation.  you can resort to a source-based installation.)

Compiling and installing EMAN

Most users, even 'advanced' users should select a binary install. If the binaries don't work for you for some reason (please [mailto:sludtke@bcm.edu let us know], or if you need to write new low-level image processing functions, then you can resort to a source-based installation.)

EMAN2 uses an increasingly popular approach of writing all of the main compute-intensive image processing operations in C++, but writing all of the user programs, including those with GUIs (graphical user interfaces) in a scripting language called [http://www.python.org Python]. All of these Python level programs can be edited by the end-user WITHOUT requiring a C++ development environment. Note that most users won't want or need even this level of customization.

Binary Installation

Compiling from source and setting up a C++ development environment

  • [http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/eman/eman2/INSTALL EMAN2's non-wiki installation instructions]

  • [:COMPILE EMAN2 WINDOWS:Compile EMAN2 with Visual Studio .Net 2003 on Windows XP]

  • [:COMPILE EMAN2 MAC OS X:Compile EMAN2 on OS X]


  • [:eman2BuildFAQ:EMAN2 compilation frequent asked questions ]

EMAN2/Install (last edited 2025-01-16 14:30:52 by SteveLudtke)