Differences between revisions 54 and 56 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 54 as of 2011-04-18 23:01:41
Size: 1698
Editor: jgalaz
Revision 56 as of 2011-05-26 11:28:13
Size: 1816
Editor: SteveLudtke
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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* [[Ws2011/Eman2|The NEW tutorial from the 2011 EMAN2 workshop, compatible with EMAN 2.01]]
 * [[Ws2011/Eman2|The NEW tutorial from the 2011 EMAN2 workshop, compatible with EMAN 2.01 (Data on same page)]]
 * [[attachment:rct_tutorial.pdf|Tutorial on using EMAN2 for Random Conical Tilt reconstructions]]


Beginners (introductory tutorials)

2D single particle analysis (SPA)

3D single particle tomography (SPT)

  • NEW single particle tomography USERS' GUIDE. [Partially used for the SPT tutorial at the 2011 EMAN2 workshop].


  • UPDATED on April 18, 2011. It SHOULD be a valid PDF. If not, please report it, and try to open in with OpenOffice or Word.

2D assessment of heterogeneity

Advanced (EMAN2 through the ''e2.py'' Python prompt)

* Generate and display an EMAN2 test image

* Rotate, translate, scale or mirror an image

* Add and multiply images, add and multiply by constants

* Convert a real/imaginary image into an amplitude/phase image and vice versa

* Iterate through the pixels of an image

* Make a projection of a 3D model, project through the asymmetric unit


* Change log level in EMAN2

EMAN2/Tutorials (last edited 2024-04-05 01:51:27 by MuyuanChen)