Q: How do I use e2boxer to automatically box many images (potentially hundreds) from the command line?

A: As of June 20th 2008 the answer is

First load up 3-10 images in the interface and use the tools to do autoboxing. Once everything looks fine and the automated boxing is behaving nicely in the interface click 'done' - this will save the autoboxing parameters to a local database.

Then quit to the command line and run something like this (make sure you specify the output you want)

e2boxer.py *.mrc --auto=db --writedb --writeimages

What's really happening is the contents of the database are being examined to autobox all of the images.

Q: What are Dynapix and Anchor for ?

A: As of June 20th 2008 the answer is

Q: Is there an iterative centration option like in boxer ?

A: As of June 20th 2008 the answer is

e2boxer does its own centering by default. Currently the user has no control over it. This could change if people demand it. So far most people are happy with the centering... The details are e2boxer does autoboxing in shrunken images but then automatically recenters the boxed particle in the big (original) image using translational (integer only) alignment.

Q: The boxes around the particles can be quite colorful white, green, yellow, black; can you give me a translation to this color coding ?

A: As of June 20th 2008 the answer is