Differences between revisions 6 and 21 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2012-04-19 19:20:57
Size: 1396
Editor: JohnFlanagan
Revision 21 as of 2012-04-19 20:20:15
Size: 6508
Editor: JohnFlanagan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 1. Options are handled via EMArgumentParser, which is a subclass of Python's argparse module (version 2.7 and higher). For more information on argparse, see the python documentation.  1. Options are handled via EMArgumentParser, which is a subclass of Python's argparse module (version 2.7 and higher). For more information on argparse, see the python documentation. [[http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html]]
Line 10: Line 10:
To illustrate, here is an example program: To illustrate what an e2program should look like, here is an example program:
Line 13: Line 13:
# GPL licensing info goes here
Line 19: Line 22:
            This is an exmaple program """             This is an example program """
Line 26: Line 29:

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    print "Arguments are", args
    print "Options are", options

if __name__ == __main__:
Line 27: Line 38:

To enable this program to be integrated into the GUI the following item must be implemented:
 1. For each argument you must add the method: parser.add_pos_argument()
 1. To add dividing lines with help info into the GUI, add the method: parser.add_header()
 1. The option PPID must be added to enable cross platform PPID support
 1. To all parser 'add' methods the following keyword arguments must be added
 1. guitype="", this specifies what type of widget we want to use for this GUI
 1. row="", this specifies what row the widget should appear in
 1. col="", this specifies what column the widget should appear in
 1. rowspan="", this specifies how many rows the widget should span
 1. colspan="", this specifies how many columns the widget should span
 1. browser="", if the widget represents and option that refers to a file, this keyword argument lists a filebrowser to use.

To illustrate how to integrate the above example e2program int the GUI, the following example is given:
{{{#!highlight python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# GPL licensing info goes here

from EMAN2 import *

def main():
    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    usage = """prog arg1, arg2, [options]
            This is an example program """

    parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
    #For the add_pos_Argument() and add_header() methods, you must add the name="" keyword argument. For the add_argument() method, the 'name' is taken from the --option argument
    parser.add_pos_argument(name="argument1",help="First argument, this will be a file", default="", guitype='filetype', browser="EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=True)", row=0, col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=2)
    parser.add_header(name="header1", help="Use the header to display useful info in the GUI", title="### Actual info goes here ###", row=1, col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=2)
    parser.add_argument("--option1",type=str,help="This is the first option",default="myvalue",guitype='strbox', row=2,col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
    parser.add_argument("--option2",type=int,help="This is the second option",default=1,guitype='intbox',row=2,col=1,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
    parser.add_argument("--option3",type=float,help="This is the third option",default=3.14,guitype='floatbox',row=3,col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
    parser.add_argument("--option4",action="store_true",help="This is the fourth option",default=False,guitype='boolbox',row=3,col=1,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
    # This is needed by all e2programs that run on the GUI
    parser.add_argument("--ppid",type=int,help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1)
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    print "Arguments are", args
    print "Options are", options

if __name__ == __main__:

=== Modification of the workflow JSON file ===
If your program is for single particle applications, modify the spr.json file found in /libEM/pmconfig. If your program is for tomographic applications, modify tomo.json file.

For example the spr.json will look something like this.
{{{#!highlight python
    "ICON": "ctf",
    "TABLE": "EMCTFcorrectedParticlesTable(withmodal=False,multiselect=True)",
    "NAME": "CTF",
    "CHILDREN": [
        "ICON": "ctf",
        "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
        "MODE": "autofit",
        "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
        "NAME": "Automated Fitting -e2ctf",
 "NOTELEVEL": "1",
        "CHILDREN": []
        "ICON": "ctf",
        "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
 "MODE": "tuning",
        "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
        "NAME": "Interactive Tuning -e2ctf",
        "CHILDREN": []
        "ICON": "ctf",
        "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
        "MODE": "genoutp",
        "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
        "NAME": "Generate Output - e2ctf",
 "NOTELEVEL": "1",
        "CHILDREN": []
        "ICON": "ctf",
        "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
        "MODE": "gensf",
        "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
        "NAME": "Generate Structure Factor - e2ctf",
 "NOTELEVEL": "1",
        "CHILDREN": []

Adding your new e2program is quite straight forward. To the JSON file just add(as a child in the children list of a preexisting list), in the appropriate location:
{{{#!highlight python
        "ICON": "single boxes",
        "PROGRAM": "e2myprogram.py",
        "NAME": "Do some stuff - e2myprogram",
        "CHILDREN": []

There are multiple other options. For a list and explanation see: [[EMAN2/Programs/e2projectmanager]]

Tutorial to aid adding a new e2program to the e2projectmanager.py

This tutorial covers the necessary steps to incorporate a e2program into the projectmanager.

Modifications to the e2program itself

Canonical e2programs must maintain the following standards

  1. Options are handled via EMArgumentParser, which is a subclass of Python's argparse module (version 2.7 and higher). For more information on argparse, see the python documentation. http://docs.python.org/dev/library/argparse.html

  2. Arguments are handled via EMArgumentParser.
  3. A line usage = """blah, blah, blah...""" must be present to give help info on the e2program
  4. A line progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) must be present

To illustrate what an e2program should look like, here is an example program:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 #
   3 # GPL licensing info goes here
   4 #
   6 from EMAN2 import *
   8 def main():
   9     progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
  10     usage = """prog arg1, arg2, [options] 
  11             This is an example program """
  13     parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
  14     parser.add_argument("--option1",type=str,help="This is the first option",default="myvalue")
  15     parser.add_argument("--option2",type=int,help="This is the second option",default=1)
  16     parser.add_argument("--option3",type=float,help="This is the third option",default=3.14)
  17     parser.add_argument("--option4",action="store_true",help="This is the fourth option",default=False)
  19     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  21     print "Arguments are", args
  22     print "Options are", options
  24 if __name__ == __main__:
  25     main()

To enable this program to be integrated into the GUI the following item must be implemented:

  1. For each argument you must add the method: parser.add_pos_argument()
  2. To add dividing lines with help info into the GUI, add the method: parser.add_header()
  3. The option PPID must be added to enable cross platform PPID support
  4. To all parser 'add' methods the following keyword arguments must be added
  5. guitype="", this specifies what type of widget we want to use for this GUI
  6. row="", this specifies what row the widget should appear in
  7. col="", this specifies what column the widget should appear in
  8. rowspan="", this specifies how many rows the widget should span
  9. colspan="", this specifies how many columns the widget should span
  10. browser="", if the widget represents and option that refers to a file, this keyword argument lists a filebrowser to use.

To illustrate how to integrate the above example e2program int the GUI, the following example is given:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 #
   3 # GPL licensing info goes here
   4 #
   6 from EMAN2 import *
   8 def main():
   9     progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
  10     usage = """prog arg1, arg2, [options] 
  11             This is an example program """
  13     parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
  14     #For the add_pos_Argument() and add_header() methods, you must add the name="" keyword argument. For the add_argument() method, the 'name' is taken from the --option argument
  15     parser.add_pos_argument(name="argument1",help="First argument, this will be a file", default="", guitype='filetype', browser="EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=True)", row=0, col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=2)
  16     parser.add_header(name="header1", help="Use the header to display useful info in the GUI", title="### Actual info goes here ###", row=1, col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=2)
  17     parser.add_argument("--option1",type=str,help="This is the first option",default="myvalue",guitype='strbox', row=2,col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
  18     parser.add_argument("--option2",type=int,help="This is the second option",default=1,guitype='intbox',row=2,col=1,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
  19     parser.add_argument("--option3",type=float,help="This is the third option",default=3.14,guitype='floatbox',row=3,col=0,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
  20     parser.add_argument("--option4",action="store_true",help="This is the fourth option",default=False,guitype='boolbox',row=3,col=1,rowspan=1,colspan=1)
  21     # This is needed by all e2programs that run on the GUI
  22     parser.add_argument("--ppid",type=int,help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1)
  23     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  25     print "Arguments are", args
  26     print "Options are", options
  28 if __name__ == __main__:
  29     main()

Modification of the workflow JSON file

If your program is for single particle applications, modify the spr.json file found in /libEM/pmconfig. If your program is for tomographic applications, modify tomo.json file.

For example the spr.json will look something like this.

   1   {
   2     "ICON": "ctf", 
   3     "TABLE": "EMCTFcorrectedParticlesTable(withmodal=False,multiselect=True)", 
   4     "NAME": "CTF", 
   5     "CHILDREN": [
   6       {
   7         "ICON": "ctf", 
   8         "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
   9         "MODE": "autofit",
  10         "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
  11         "NAME": "Automated Fitting -e2ctf", 
  12         "NOTELEVEL": "1",
  13         "CHILDREN": []
  14       }, 
  15       {
  16         "ICON": "ctf", 
  17         "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py",
  18         "MODE": "tuning", 
  19         "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
  20         "NAME": "Interactive Tuning -e2ctf", 
  21         "CHILDREN": []
  22       }, 
  23       {
  24         "ICON": "ctf", 
  25         "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py", 
  26         "MODE": "genoutp",
  27         "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
  28         "NAME": "Generate Output - e2ctf", 
  29         "NOTELEVEL": "1",
  30         "CHILDREN": []
  31       }, 
  32       {
  33         "ICON": "ctf", 
  34         "PROGRAM": "e2ctf.py", 
  35         "MODE": "gensf",
  36         "WIKIPAGE": "http://blake.bcm.tmc.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Programs/e2ctf",
  37         "NAME": "Generate Structure Factor - e2ctf", 
  38         "NOTELEVEL": "1",
  39         "CHILDREN": []
  40       }
  41     ]
  42   },

Adding your new e2program is quite straight forward. To the JSON file just add(as a child in the children list of a preexisting list), in the appropriate location:

   1       {
   2         "ICON": "single boxes", 
   3         "PROGRAM": "e2myprogram.py", 
   4         "NAME": "Do some stuff - e2myprogram", 
   5         "CHILDREN": []
   6       }

There are multiple other options. For a list and explanation see: EMAN2/Programs/e2projectmanager

EMAN2PMWorkflow (last edited 2012-04-19 20:22:10 by JohnFlanagan)