Differences between revisions 6 and 9 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2010-12-21 03:48:27
Size: 3457
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 9 as of 2011-10-07 20:27:23
Size: 3531
Editor: JohnFlanagan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 29: Line 29:
# Official copyright notice. EMAN2 is distributed under a joint GPL/BSD license. Please copy
# this statement from one of the other programs. You must agree to use this license if your
# Official copyright notice. EMAN2 is distributed under a joint GPL/BSD license.
Please copy the actual notice from the top of one of the other EMAN2 programs.
# You
must agree to use this license if your
Line 50: Line 52:
  # You MUST use OptionParser to parse command-line options
  parser = OptionParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
  # You MUST use EMArgumentParser to parse command-line options
  parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
Line 53: Line 55:
  parser.add_option("--input", type="string", help="The name of the input particle stack", default=None)
  parser.add_option("--output", type="string", help="The name of the output particle stack", default=None)
  parser.add_option("--oneclass", type="int", help="Create only a single class-average. Specify the number.",default=None)
  parser.add_option("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n",type="int", default=0, help='verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness')
  parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, help="The name of the input particle stack", default=None)
  parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="The name of the output particle stack", default=None)
  parser.add_argument("--oneclass", type=int, help="Create only a single class-average. Specify the number.",default=None)
  parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n",type=int, default=0, help='verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness')
Line 64: Line 66:

Line 69: Line 74:


EMAN2 Python Programming Style Guide

This document describes the structure of programs distributed with EMAN2. If you plan to write a program for inclusion with EMAN2 in the 'bin' directory, you must follow the following general guidelines.

Program naming and options

All programs must be e2<program>.py This helps distinguish them from non-eman2 programs and from SPARX programs which are sx<program>.py

Where possible, the same options should be used across programs. For example, the '--verbose' option is required for all programs. See StandardParms for details.

Program sample code

This little example shows how all EMAN2 programs are expected to be structured.

Each program should include:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 # The first line is critical, and must be exactly this
   4 # Example Author block:
   5 # Author: Steven Ludtke (sludtke@bcm.edu), 10/27/2010 - rewritten almost from scratch
   6 # Author: David Woolford (woolford@bcm.edu), 9/7/2007 (woolford@bcm.edu)
   7 # Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Baylor College of Medicine
   9 # Official copyright notice. EMAN2 is distributed under a joint GPL/BSD license. 
  10 # Please copy the actual notice from the top of one of the other EMAN2 programs. 
  11 #
  12 # You must agree to use this license if your
  13 # code is distributed with EMAN2. While you may use your own institution for the copyright notice
  14 # the terms of the GPL/BSD license permit us to redistribute it.
  16 # import block, any necessary import statements
  17 from EMAN2 import *
  18 from optparse import OptionParser
  19 import math
  21 # main() block. Each program will have a single function called main() which is executed when the
  22 # program is used from the command-line. Programs must also be 'import'able themselves, so you
  23 # must have main()
  24 def main():
  26   progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
  27   usage = """%prog [options]
  29   This is the main documentation string for the program, which should define what it does an how to use it.
  30   """  
  32   # You MUST use EMArgumentParser to parse command-line options
  33   parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION)
  35   parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, help="The name of the input particle stack", default=None)
  36   parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="The name of the output particle stack", default=None)
  37   parser.add_argument("--oneclass", type=int, help="Create only a single class-average. Specify the number.",default=None)
  38   parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n",type=int, default=0, help='verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness')
  40   (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  42   # Now we have a call to the function which actually implements the functionality of the program
  43   # main() is really just for parsing command-line arguments, etc.  The actual program algorithms 
  44   # must be implemented in additional functions so this program could be imported as a module and
  45   # the functionality used in another context
  47   E2n=E2init(sys.argv)
  49   data=EMData.read_images(options.input)
  51   results=myfunction(data,options.oneclass)
  53   for im in results: im.write_image(options.output,-1)
  55   E2end(E2n)
  57 def myfunction(data,oneclass):
  58   # do some stuff
  59   ret = [i*5.0 for i in data]
  61   return ret
  63 # This block must always be the last thing in the program and calls main()
  64 # if the program is executed, but not if it's imported
  65 if __name__ == "__main__":
  66     main()

EMAN2PythonStyleGuide (last edited 2022-05-06 18:14:36 by SteveLudtke)