Differences between revisions 2 and 29 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-10-30 21:45:55
Size: 1184
Editor: SteveLudtke
Revision 29 as of 2008-11-18 22:07:24
Size: 6330
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Parameters starting with 'global.' are those which could be used equally by any application,
other applications wishing to publish parameters for use by others should prefix them with
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||global.micrograph_ccd_filenames||list of strings|| All micrograph and/or CCD data file names that are associated with a project ||
||global.num_cpus||int||Number of cpus available to this project ||
||global.memory_available||int|| Maximum memory usage for this project ||
||workflow.process_ids||list of ints|| A list of process ids that is managed by the workflow system ||
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=== These parameters are application specific and subject to change, dictionary names should begin with the application name ===
=== These parameters are application specific and subject to change ===
Dictionary names should begin with the application name, the contents of each dictionary can be freely defined by the application.
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||<filename>||EMAN2Ctf object||An EMAN2Ctf object associated with each filename (without extension)|| ||__filename__||[http://blake.bcm.edu/eman2/doxygen_html/classEMAN_1_1EMAN2Ctf.html EMAN2Ctf] object||An EMAN2Ctf object associated with each filename (without extension)||

==== e2ctf.misc ====
||envelope||list of (x,y) tuples||Computed Envelope*StrucFact curve from CTF maxima from all sets processed during one run||
||working_ac||float||Amplitude contrast constant used to launch e2ctf from within the project/workflow setting ||
||working_oversamp||float||Oversample factor used to launch e2ctf from within the project/workflow setting ||

==== e2boxer.project ====

|| working_boxsize ||int|| The box size that is used to launch e2boxer from within the project/workflow setting ||

==== e2boxer.cache ====

This is the cache associated with e2boxer.py.

|| __filename_DD__ ||Python dictionary||Image Database Dictionary||
|| __filename_DD__.auto_boxer_state_TS || string || Greenwich Mean time stamp of the associated Autoboxer when it was last used to autobox this image. This information can be used to force reboxing if the associated autoboxer has been updated ||
|| __filename_DD__.auto_boxer_unique_id || string || stores the unique ID of an associated Autoboxer instance which is also stored in the boxer_cache database ||
|| __filename_DD__.auto_boxes || boxertools.TrimBox list || stores the current set of automatically selected boxes by the associated Autoboxer instance ||
|| __filename_DD__.coarse_flat_image|| EMData || stores the image generated by the boxertools.CoarsenedFlattenedImage object that is associated with this image||
|| __filename_DD__.exclusion_image|| EMData || stores the binary exclusion image that is associated with this image||
|| __filename_DD__.flcf_image|| EMData || stores the image generated by the boxertools.FLCFImage object that is associated with this image||
|| __filename_DD__.frozen_state || boolean || indicates whether or not the image is frozen. If the image is frozen then no changes can be made to the currently associated boxes ||
|| __filename_DD__.image_tag || string || stores the tag of the image (e.g. hdf, mrc, dm3). This information can be used to check that the user is not trying to box images that have the same file name (minus the tag). This feature should become deprecated ||
|| __filename_DD__.manual_boxes || boxertools.TrimBox list || stores boxes that have been manually placed in this image ||
|| __filename_DD__.moved_boxes || Python list of 2D coordinates || effectively a memorization of all the box movements enforced by the user. Can be used to perform collision detection and automatically correct the results of automatic boxing ||
|| __filename_DD__.quality || integer [0-4] || in the special case of the quality being equal to zero this means the image is excluded from boxing and that no boxes should ever be generated for it. Otherwise this is just metadata that may be acted upon autonomously by the user ||
|| __filename_DD__.reference_boxes || boxertools.TrimBox list || stores the reference boxes located in this image that are also being used by the associated Autoboxer instance ||
|| __filename_DD__.subsampled_image|| EMData || stores the image generated by the boxertools.SincBlackmanSubsampledImage object that is associated with this image||
|| __filename_DD__.template_ts || string || Greenwich Mean time stamp that records when the associated template (that was used to generate the correlation image, which is potentially stored in the database also) was created ||
|| __autoboxer_ts__|| Python dictionary || the key here is literally the string "autobxer_" followed the a unique time stamp as a string. This dictionary object stores the essential parameters of a an Autoboxer instance ||
|| __autoboxer_ts__.autoboxer|| boxertools.AutoBoxer or boxertools.TrimAutoBoxer || the Autoboxer instance itself (or similar) ||
|| __autoboxer_ts__.autoboxer_type|| string || this is the unique associated with the Autoboxer type, for example "Swarm" or "Gauss" ||
|| __autoboxer_ts__.convenience_name|| string || the user may optionally supply a convenience name for this autoboxer in the e2boxer interface, otherwise the name is generated automatically ||
|| __current_autoboxer__|| boxertools.AutoBoxer or boxertools.TrimAutoBoxer || the most recently use Autoboxer instance ||
|| __current_autoboxer_type__|| string|| the type of the most recently used Autoboxer instance. This should become deprecated. ||

=== These parameters can be found in bdb:raw_data# ===

=== These parameters can be found in bdb:particles# ===


Parameters/Metadata for applications stored in the project

These are metadata parameters associated with a 'Project', like a single particle reconstruction, and may be application specific or global. If an application wishes to make parameters available for other applications to see, it should put them in 'bdb:project' in the local directory and name them as described below. Documentation for application specific parameters not really intended for use by other applications appears here as well. This does NOT document parameters stored in the header of individual images, though we strive to use the same names whereever possible.

These parameters can be found in bdb:project

Parameters starting with 'global.' are those which could be used equally by any application, other applications wishing to publish parameters for use by others should prefix them with 'appname.'



Default A/pix value for a project



Default microscope voltage in kV for a project



Default microscope Cs in mm for a project


list of strings

All micrograph and/or CCD data file names that are associated with a project



Number of cpus available to this project



Maximum memory usage for this project


list of ints

A list of process ids that is managed by the workflow system

These parameters are application specific and subject to change

Dictionary names should begin with the application name, the contents of each dictionary can be freely defined by the application.



[http://blake.bcm.edu/eman2/doxygen_html/classEMAN_1_1EMAN2Ctf.html EMAN2Ctf] object

An EMAN2Ctf object associated with each filename (without extension)



list of (x,y) tuples

Computed Envelope*StrucFact curve from CTF maxima from all sets processed during one run



Amplitude contrast constant used to launch e2ctf from within the project/workflow setting



Oversample factor used to launch e2ctf from within the project/workflow setting




The box size that is used to launch e2boxer from within the project/workflow setting


This is the cache associated with e2boxer.py.


Python dictionary

Image Database Dictionary



Greenwich Mean time stamp of the associated Autoboxer when it was last used to autobox this image. This information can be used to force reboxing if the associated autoboxer has been updated



stores the unique ID of an associated Autoboxer instance which is also stored in the boxer_cache database


boxertools.TrimBox list

stores the current set of automatically selected boxes by the associated Autoboxer instance



stores the image generated by the boxertools.CoarsenedFlattenedImage object that is associated with this image



stores the binary exclusion image that is associated with this image



stores the image generated by the boxertools.FLCFImage object that is associated with this image



indicates whether or not the image is frozen. If the image is frozen then no changes can be made to the currently associated boxes



stores the tag of the image (e.g. hdf, mrc, dm3). This information can be used to check that the user is not trying to box images that have the same file name (minus the tag). This feature should become deprecated


boxertools.TrimBox list

stores boxes that have been manually placed in this image


Python list of 2D coordinates

effectively a memorization of all the box movements enforced by the user. Can be used to perform collision detection and automatically correct the results of automatic boxing


integer [0-4]

in the special case of the quality being equal to zero this means the image is excluded from boxing and that no boxes should ever be generated for it. Otherwise this is just metadata that may be acted upon autonomously by the user


boxertools.TrimBox list

stores the reference boxes located in this image that are also being used by the associated Autoboxer instance



stores the image generated by the boxertools.SincBlackmanSubsampledImage object that is associated with this image



Greenwich Mean time stamp that records when the associated template (that was used to generate the correlation image, which is potentially stored in the database also) was created


Python dictionary

the key here is literally the string "autobxer_" followed the a unique time stamp as a string. This dictionary object stores the essential parameters of a an Autoboxer instance


boxertools.AutoBoxer or boxertools.TrimAutoBoxer

the Autoboxer instance itself (or similar)



this is the unique associated with the Autoboxer type, for example "Swarm" or "Gauss"



the user may optionally supply a convenience name for this autoboxer in the e2boxer interface, otherwise the name is generated automatically


boxertools.AutoBoxer or boxertools.TrimAutoBoxer

the most recently use Autoboxer instance



the type of the most recently used Autoboxer instance. This should become deprecated.

These parameters can be found in bdb:raw_data#

These parameters can be found in bdb:particles#

Eman2AppMetadata (last edited 2013-08-11 18:07:28 by SteveLudtke)