Install binary into MiniForge (all platforms)

Using NVidia GPUs

Currently, GPUs are only used for a few specific programs involving deep learning, such as tomogram annotation, particle picking and GMM variability analysis.

This support is limited to Linux, and (potentially with some extra effort) Win 11 with an LSW2 installation.

Many machines will have CUDA installed already, and if CUDA is an appropriate version, this should work fine with the TensorFlow version shipped with EMAN2. However, if you are running newer versions of CUDA there may be problems. You can test compatibility quickly with:

# Make sure you have your environment set to run EMAN2 programs
# The above command should work and return your current version. If it does, then run:
python -c "import tensorflow"

If this command does not return an error, then you should be able to run deep learning software within EMAN2. If it does raise an error, then you will need to debug the problem:

If you have problems you cannot figure out, feel free to post questions to the EMAN2 Google Group.

EMAN2/Install/CondaInstall (last edited 2024-09-13 18:02:28 by TunayDurmaz)