Split a 3d map into several pieces.
segment3d <input file> <output file> [watershed[=<lp>[,<hp>]] [nseg=<n seg>] [morph=<vector file>] [ampw] [thr=<val>] [split] [maxit=<n>] [itxp=<n>] [vector=<outfile>] [apix=<apix>] [chimeraout=<outfile.cmm>] [pdb=<outfile>] [gaussmod=<mrc out>] [randomize] [stats] [segmaxv] [resegbystats=<thr>] [sym=<sym>]
- Typical usage: segment3d threed.1a.mrc seg.mrc 12 thr=1 Description
<input file>
Source file
<output file>
Destination file
Apply simplistic watershed segmentation instead of the default (k-means), with an optional pre-filter
[nseg=<n seg>]
Number of segments to split map into
[morph=<vector file>]
Takes the result of a previous segmentation and uses it to seed a new segmentation
Apply a straight line integral amplitude weight to the distance parameter
Only segment voxels above the given threshold, neg values use sigma multipliers
Separate out the individual segments
Specify maximum iterations before giving up on convergence
After the segmentation, iteratively extend the segments into regions below threshold, n is the number of voxels of expansion
Write segment centers to a text file x,y,z,dx,dy,dz
A/pix for chimera output
Write segment centers to a chimera marker file
Write segment centers to a PDB file
[gaussmod=<mrc out>]
Construct a 3d model from Gaussians centered at the group centers.
This will randomize the gaussians by rotating them randomly with a fixed radius
Produce a file containing mean density values in each segment
Instead of an integer segmap, writes the 'max' value for the segment
Merge segments with mean densities above or below the threshold value
Insure a symmetric segmentation
This program will take a 3D map and that map into 'segments'. That is, every voxel in the map will be assigned to one of segments. The assignment is performed in such a way that high density regions will be grouped together.
Note that using the 'watershed' option combined with 'nseg=' will not produce a true 'watershed' segmentation of the image. Instead, it will produce nseg segments then will 'flood fill' the remaining areas above the threshold. EMAN Manual page, generated Mon Jan 8 17:35:59 2007